Sunday, March 30, 2008


oh man I'm crumbling under pressure now..and I'm now totally fearful of PE lessons now due to 3km runs everytime...

OH GOD PLSSS HELP ME..................

I've written down a list of homework that I've yet to complete and wow I'm really going to die.

Lots of proposals for Ecoclub, PW, Sirius, GP....

Lots of essays to write for Chinese, GP,

(My message to homeworks)
Oh man screw it


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Damn shiok.

hahaha i got the wifi equipped N81 smartphone! with 2GB!haha damn shiok now..well looking forward to using it on the school's wifi network though...hahahahahahahahahahahah

Saturday, March 22, 2008

One picture says it all

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you:

Who is this? I wonder.

Mr Wee's really going to flip when he sees this.
This is probably the only main reason why Sci&Tech club is on a gradual decline.

So my question to you: Who, in the above picture, is he?

Friday, March 21, 2008

I hate Ad*m K*oo

Song Title: Thou shall not lie again.
"lyrics" by: Vincent

I hate him because he can make up stories

I hate him because he tells people crap and gets away with it

I hate him because he can find study methods on the web and transform it into one of his "signature steps"

I hate him because he's gaining more popularity; penetrating the student-parent market even deeper

I hate him because his route to becoming "financially independent" is not based largely on his "methods". but rather, it's his lips and words that come out of his mouth that made him rich

I hate him because he thinks he's so puissant

I hate him because of all people, his veracity is to be most suspected

I hate him because if you ask him questions from a 3rd person perspective, in his horrible lectures to little kids, it's like asking a fox what it's doing in a hen's house

shit , enough about that guy. Okay so now IT'S TIME FOR RANDOM FACTS!(oh boy, I'm now damn eager to write about random facts)

Random Fact #3: This is my 103th post!

Random Fact #4: I've just completed install of windowsblinds, so I can use Vista aero themes, sans the messy Vista core kernel!

Random Fact #5: Went with family to Nokia shop today, and found out that E51 wasn't all that nice, hence my father offered to buy me the N81 instead..

Random Fact #6: Bak Kwa rocks! Esp. the bacon strips from "香味肉干"!

Oh my god...( New with random facts!)

i was browsing the web (instead of doing tutorials) and I came across this: A hole punched through the skin of the cow until it reaches the stomach..shit i show you the video, once you watch it you'll understand..

wtf man..I see no purpose in this ALL AT..It's just pure cruelty, even for research's sake...

But come to think of it, it's quite fun make the cow eat grass through it's mouth, then you take it out when the partly salivary amylase-digested grass comes out through the gullet into the opening of the stomach...haha then the coqw will go

" eh? how come I feel so hungry again?"

Haha maybe in this way the cow can self feed itself e.g. when flies fly into the stomach, they will get digested with the "waves of digestive juices" in the stomach..haha, just some food for thought

Random fact #1 : Ok I think I shall "borrow" this handy little format to blogging from Fiona from today onwards!

Random fact #2: My random facts will not renew their numbers everytime i start a new one..hence e.g. it dont be surprised when it reaches "random fact #12891927!"

Thursday, March 20, 2008


LOL when i opened my inbox today, I received an email from Beng How. Haha when i scrolled all the way down, guess what? I immediately burst out laughing like some old crackpot..It's about a picture..just a single picture, and yet it can make all the "laugh hormones "-or whatever that is- flood your bloodstream! And tha` best thing is that it is of Singapore origin . Finally I'll have something to be proud of for Singapore! lame...

Ok wait for it.....................


> "May I know your name?.."

> "Batman..."

> > "May I know your name?"

> "My name is Bat-man..."

> > "Trying to be funny?!. What is your surname?.."

> "Supar-man..."

> > "I want to speak with your manager..."

man he looks so sad, I wonder why

Haha The first thing is his face...well it shows his misery..haha why? You know what..haha


well on a more serious note, I've found out, unfortunately, that one of my classmate is a douchebag(asshole). He keeps repeating things like
1) "Aiya, I want to drop from 4H2 to 3H2 liao la"
2) "I combined science one, sure fail the science subjects liao"
3) "Aiya, next year you will see me repeat"
4) "Hey izzit too late to sign up for poly now?"

EDIT: and he repeats every single shit at least 3 times each.

Well what he says make people think he's lousy right? But guess what, he's finished every single tutorial on time and what's more, all of them are perfect answer...Man that really made my blood boil today..

He freaking tried to lie to me..haha trying to be competitive eh?Haha i wait for you to crumble under the stress first..haha evil me

And most of the time even though he knew the answers to his questions beforehand, he would purposely ask me how to do those "difficult questions"...every single time he quips the reason he's from combined science. Damn it..and if I dont know the solution, he would purposely look disappointed and cite things like " Eh? I thought you very clever one? From triple pure science stream and in Sirius Programme". After that he would just do the question himeself. I've had Enough.

Ok if you( ******) are reading this, here's my welcome note to you : Get the f**k out and go "pester tutors for extra homework".

I doubt you will ever be successful in life because you cannot even speak english with at least a trace of confidence.

btw I'm not "bitching" or what..I'm just angry that such people actually exist

ahh I know this is damn out of place and out-of-tone, but haha I played soccer at DVP's soccer venue : The Cage . Haha damn fun and shiok, nice to see that Jasper has turned into a good boy haha..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Ecoclub rocks like shit...I really believe that my efforts in this can help save the environment by loads..maybe even offset USA's pollution or whatsoever..
I can feel green blood running under my skin now..

well no time to blog today..because I have lots of homework yet to be done..and tomorrow I have to hand in, or else I will be "blacklisted" - which I don't want..
1) Chinese 作文
2) GP essay
3) Physics tutorial
4) Chem Tutorial

and whoo hoo...I abused my power as class manager today..appointed some people by force..haha so now I can "eng eng" already..haha


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Tuesday, March 18, 2008


harhar today lessons was so mentally and physically streneous because of the long day and 2.4km PE run...Lessons : 8:00-16:30 ;with 1 hour break in all, the PE from 17:00 to 18:00.

I don't know why even though I've not run for like since last year's NAPFA (almost 9months and I also skipped every single PAE and JAE Mass Period PE lessons), I can still manage to run with minimal walking(BIG IMPROVEMENT!)..haha in the end timing was a blazingly fast 14:50mins..haha ay, never eat lunch can still run like that not bad liao eh..haha..

lol i can only jump 207cm..i need 216 to get silver..Pull-ups : 0 and I love it! haha

*above contains bad irony

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Monday, March 17, 2008

First Day Term 2, Post Mortem

Well class was great today...mainly due to the fact that I had become the teacher's favourite person to call to voice out opinions and do questions...Now lets see, I'm now the class-manager( I came in late into CT's lesson, hence "tio loh") , treasurer, notes photocopy-man for Physics, Maths, GP.. Wow and now I have to collect "mugshots" of people to form a whole class list with pictures so as to facilitate the GP teacher's poor memory.

I just realised that my testimonial will look damn good...NOT. I have absolutely no time at all for other things ..damn it. And I'm also ready to take up "important positions" in the ecoClub (don't play play). Lets not forget about the sirius scholars programme........oh man, my life's screwed..

Oh a little picture of what I'm going to get next week : A sweet , slim(!!for a smartphone with WiFi!!!) Nokia E51 (Symbian OS 9.1 FP1 v3) ..omg this is dream phone because it is relatively inexpensive, and yet it can beat the more expensive N81 . Same features e.g. WiFi (802.11g), bluetooth, symbian OS 9.1, QVGA resolution screen etc etc..

was planning on to get the N81 at first, but the system was wayy too laggy and the so called "touch-sensitive naviwheel" doesn't work as well as advertised..anyway no point getting a music-focussed phone because I already have my trusty ZEN. Hence I opted for the extremely fast(fastest, with CPU speeds of 369mHz, which is blazing fast for a phone).

Oh man I'm damn excited now, as I have all the applications(warez) all downloaded for it..even a bit torrent client on the phone which uses the phone's WiFi!..and it's 1.2cm thick!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

prank calls..

Not funny , is pissy
fantastic, i got bombarded by "anonymous" calls the whole day - 6calls to be exact. seriously, what the hell. I thought it was my father who called because he just went Japan this morning..but then the other end was speaking to me in a weird tone - sort of like Ming Yao+Bing Han's voice. I deeply suspect that the voice was forced, as in the prankster pinched his nose to alter his/her voice...

This was my reaction, minus a few percent of the "angryness" and "shittyness"

now f**k you, whoever the prankster is..


Damn it, it seems to me now that my Windows Live Messenger is indeed giving me problems...


See any anomalies?

turns out, every time a single contact changes his/her nickname, my msnmsgr application will not refresh the contact, but instead, it will just "create" a duplicate of the contact -this time with the new nickname...F**k this means I have a contact appearing 5 to 6 times..and "pissingly"as a result, my total number of contacts swelled from a modest 328 to a stupendous 735. Well I guess I'm going to write to Microsoft about this tomorrow...SHIT.

P.S. : On a more technical side, I'm attributing this problem to my previous usage of Pidgin to access the MSN servers in a linux environment..haha, cannot understand right?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I love Homer! ( completely a non-sequitur title_)

Damn it...I originally planned to complete my tutorials today because the weather forecast told me that today was going to rain..but instead, the entire day was clear and sunny..what the eff..
Because I haven't played tennis for 3 days straight already, I went down to the courts and played for the entire day ( 2pm - 7pm , 7:30pm - 10pm)..

THATS A GRAND TOTAL OF 7.5 HOURS! No wonder so tired..

Oh by the way, Joel aka M*onkey came over to join me for a game in tennis today but instead of playing a good game, he gave me shitty serves and returns. Hence I got all pissed off and in return, pissed him off completely by asking my cousins to call him Cousin Joel(If you know what I mean..Homohabilis are the direct cousins of Homosapiens). Wtf he went home immediately. Kudos to Joel for being so tensed up... and oh ya , you owe me 3 balls, don't forget.

Homer Simpson!

List of "pissy" statements

It is crucial, if you'd like, to know that statements like "liao" , "leh" , "lah" are fast becoming part of the average Singaporean. Why? Because I personally dislike the fact that we are using such lowly, pathetic statements to express ourselves. And it is when a person who uses "lah" , his veracity is to be the most suspected. So don't you guys realize the importance of using corrrect english in the english part of the world? Singlish simply makes us less credible, because it simply causes your every sentence to become a "non-sequitur" . That is probably why we are labelled as "stupid".

Ok the above might be a little pedantic on my part..but ahh damn I have no idea what I was babbling about...

Alright I might be a little stressed..reason being that I haven't finished 50% of my tutorials. Nice.
LOL the best part is that I still have the mood to go play tennis later...(laugh out loud).

Friday, March 14, 2008

ahh crap

Ok serious, after going on a blogging hiatus for nearly 2 years, I have absolutely no idea of what to say, or write, for that matter..

Ok lets start with the weather..It has totally ruined my passion and it pisses me off completely. Why? Because it simply usurped by ability to play tennis.. now screw you..., weather.

well most of the holidays are spent over at Ojel's house playing either tennis or table-tennis..well guess it isn't all that bad after all since both are from the tennis subset... haha lame I know... Joel's really a good table-tennis player and he shows extraordinary ability to control and hit the ping-pong at the same time - kind of like a spilt personality though.. Well I hope the weather is dry and sunny tomorrow but the damn weather forecasts shows me otherwise (damn).

Damn it I miss tennis completely mainly because I've mastered the "curve-serve" - a serve thats absolutely cunning and brillant. Ok well I shall end off early today and prepare for tomorrow's tennis session.. Bye.
(By the way I feel weird speaking in this tone)